Covid-19 Pneumonia and Ventilation-induced Lung Injury: A Case Report

Covid-19 Pneumonia and Ventilation-induced Lung Injury: A Case Report

Ventilation Practitoner Dolf Weller schreef als mede auteur mee aan deze case report.

We present the case of a 67-year-old male patient, who was admitted to the intensive care unit for hypoxemic respiratory failure due to severe COVID-19 pneumonitis, requiring mechanical ventilation. Despite close monitoring using transpulmonary pressure measurements and interventions to pursue lung-protective ventilation, the patient developed extensive barotrauma including a right-sided pneumothorax, subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum while on pressure support ventilation. We hypothesize that the high respiratory drive that COVID-19 patients seem to exhibit, combined with diffuse alveolar injury and increased alveolar pressure, resulted in gross barotrauma.

Conclusion: The respiratory characteristics that COVID-19 patients seem to exhibit might expose those on mechanical ventilation to an increased risk of developing ventilation-induced lung injury. This case emphasizes that caution should be taken in the respiratory treatment of patients with COVID-19 pneumonitis.

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