No association between thickening fraction of the diaphragm and extubation success in ventilated children
Ventilation Practitioner Anita Duyndam publiceerde het onderstaande onderzoek.
Introduction: In mechanically ventilated adults, thickening fraction of diaphragm (dTF) measured by ultrasound is used to predict extubation success. Whether dTF can also predict extubation success in children is unclear.
Aim: To investigate the association between dTF and extubation success in children. Second, to assess diaphragm thickness during ventilation and the correlation between dTF, diaphragm thickness (Tdi), age and body surface.
Method: Prospective observational cohort study in children aged 0–18 years old with expected invasive ventilation for >48 h. Ultrasound was performed on day 1 after intubation (baseline), day 4, day 7, day 10, at pre-extubation, and within 24 h after extubation. Primary outcome was the association between dTF pre-extubation and extubation success. Secondary outcome measures were Tdi end-inspiratory and Tdi end-expiratory and atrophy defined as <10% decrease of Tdi end-expiratory versus baseline at pre-extubation. Correlations were calculated with Spearman correlation coefficients. Inter-rater reliability was calculated with intraclass correlation (ICC).
Results: Fifty-three patients, with median age 3.0 months (IQR 0.1–66.0) and median duration of invasive ventilation of 114.0 h (IQR 55.5–193.5), were enrolled. Median dTF before extubation with Pressure Support 10 above 5 cmH2O was 15.2% (IQR 9.7–19.3). Extubation failure occurred in six children, three of whom were re-intubated and three then received non-invasive ventilation. There was no significant association between dTF and extubation success; OR 0.33 (95% CI; 0.06–1.86). Diaphragmatic atrophy was observed in 17/53 cases, in three of extubation failure occurred. Children in the extubation failure group were younger: 2.0 months (IQR 0.81–183.0) vs. 3.0 months (IQR 0.10–48.0); p = 0.045. At baseline, pre-extubation and post-extubation there was no significant correlation between age and BSA on the one hand and dTF, Tdi- insp and Tdi-exp on the other hand. The ICC representing the level of inter-rater reliability between the two examiners performing the ultrasounds was 0.994 (95% CI 0.970–0.999). The ICC of the inter-rater reliability between the raters in 36 paired assessments was 0.983 (95% CI 0.974–0.990).
Conclusion: There was no significant association between thickening fraction of the diaphragm and extubation success in ventilated children.
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