Reference values of diaphragmatic dimensions in healthy children aged 0-8 years

Reference values of diaphragmatic dimensions in healthy children aged 0-8 years

Ventilation Practitioner Anita Duyndam publiceerde deze systematische review en meta-analyse 


Diaphragmatic thickness (Tdi) and diaphragm thickening fraction (dTF) are widely used parameters in ultrasound studies of the diaphragm in mechanically ventilated children, but normal values for healthy children are scarce. We determined reference values of Tdi and dTF using ultrasound in healthy children aged 0–8 years old and assessed their reproducibility. In a prospective, observational cohort, Tdi and dTF were measured on ultrasound images across four age groups comprising at least 30 children per group: group 1 (0–6 months), group 2 (7 months-1 year), group 3 (2–4 years) and group 4 (5–8 years). Ultrasound images of 137 healthy children were included. Mean Tdi at inspiration was 2.07 (SD 0.40), 2.09 (SD 0.40), 1.69 (SD 0.30) and 1.72 (SD 0.30) mm for groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Mean Tdi at expiration was 1.64 (SD 0.30), 1.67 (SD 0.30), 1.38 (SD 0.20) and 1.42 (SD 0.20) mm for groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Mean Tdi at inspiration and mean Tdi at expiration for groups 1 and 2 were significantly greater than those for groups 3 and 4 (both p < 0.001). Mean dTF was 25.4% (SD 10.4), 25.2% (SD 8.3), 22.8% (SD 10.9) and 21.3% (SD 7.1) for group 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) representing the level of inter-rater reliability between two examiners performing the ultrasounds was 0.996 (95% CI 0.982–0.999). ICC of the inter-rater reliability between the raters in 11 paired assessments was 0.989 (95% CI 0.973–0.995).

Conclusion: Ultrasound measurements of Tdi and dTF were highly reproducible in healthy children aged 0–8 years.

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